Graduated in 1990 from the Faculty of Dentistry of Lyon
DU in Fundamental Periodontology and Occlusodontics and 3rd cycle Clinics | Lyon
Certificate of study in Implantology | Lyon
SAPO anatomy certificate | Faculty of the Holy Fathers Paris
DU Oral surgery | Faculty of Medicine Dijon
Guaranteed Laser Assisted Clinical Skills Certificate
Former university hospital employee
Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry Lyon | 1992-2000
Lecturer at the Garancières and Montpellier Laser Certificate
Lecturer at the DU Laser Faculty of Montpellier
Trainer in laser techniques
President of the training company Laser Esthétique Institut
Fotona Advanced Instructor
Laser speaker
Bredent Speaker

Dr. Thierry Maleca
Spoken languages